Saturday, October 6, 2012

What is family?

What is family?  I found this definition:
In human context, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. Anthropologists most generally classify family organization as matrilocal (a mother and her children); conjugal (a wife, husband, and children, also called nuclear family); and consanguinal (also called an extended family) in which parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family.
There are also concepts of family that break with tradition within particular societies, or those that are transplanted via migration to flourish or else cease within their new societies.[clarification needed] As a unit of socialization the family is the object of analysis for sociologists of the family. Genealogy is a field which aims to trace family lineages through history. In science, the term "family" has come to be used as a means to classify groups of objects as being closely and exclusively related. In the study of animals it has been found that many species form groups that have similarities to human "family"—often called "packs."

Ok, so my family growing up was Mom, Dad, Sister.  Done.  I had grandparents that had some impact on my life but they did not live close.  They were not a part of my day to day family.  Our friends became family.  The Christmas table was full of 'family' with no blood relations.   We lived on a street where 3 families became one family unit.  They had quirks, they had differences, but they were there for each other every day. 

When I reflect on my family now it is much larger than what I grew up with.  My parents live close and help with our kids weekly. It is so awesome to see that relationship   Mr.’s family is 10 minutes from us.  I have sister-in-law and brother-in-laws close.  My own sister lives 20 minutes from me.  Our family is tight.  My kid's have cousins.  A gift that is so awesome.  

In a life full of family we have so much more.  Our family is blessed to have friends that ARE FAMILY.  We have neighbors that are 2nd parents with us.  I have girl friends that will do anything for us when we need it.  I could not function as a wife, mom, student, church work, friend, etc. without my dear close friends.  They are a part of my life just as my family is.

Perspective:  Family is a gift, but they are who you get- there is not much choice in it.  We are blessed to have great family surrounding us.  But, without our friends my family is incomplete.  They are a part of my rhythm, our lives.  Hug a friend today.  Hug a family member.  But know that blood is not always the defining moment of family. 

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