Friday, October 12, 2012

That Parent….

I have an issue….I never want to be that parent…
I was a teacher for 10 years.  I loved about 98% of my teaching moments.  I loved being a part of a child’s life on a daily basis.  I do miss that now.  But, the moments of teaching that always broke my heart was when the communication between home and school was broken.
I took my role as an educator very seriously.  I knew that I had moments during the day with the students that were priceless.  So, when I had “that parent” it was hard for me personally.  Mr.  would remind me that it was not “me” they were upset with but with a particular issue with the kiddo.   But, it was hard for me not to take it personal. 

Well, now my life has changed I am no longer a _____ISD teacher.  I work for the church.   (That being said my role of education has changed but that is another blog entry).  

I never want to be that parent.

Let it be known that my kids attend a wonderful school full of teachers and staff that I can tell are called into the profession. In fact, at assembly last Friday I found myself tearing up at the excitement that the school has. 

So, I find myself balancing carefully the role of supportive parent, and “that parent”.  I go to the default with my kids.  The teacher is always right in our home.   Again, we have been blessed with wonderful teachers. 

But, as you have read my M. D has had a difficult start to the school year.  In reflection, he does not like change.  He did not like that he graduated to a new grade.  He did not like that I am in class until 9:00 pm one night a week.  The combo was not great.

But, here in lies my issue as a mom/parent.  I default to not bothering the teacher.  I default to never wanting to be “that parent”.   That is when communication is bad.  I did not let the teacher know that I was in class until 9:00 and that was new to our family.  I did not want to bother her with such info.  She is crazy busy.  I know that.   So, I don’t want to annoy. 

I will tell you that when I did bite the bullet and call a conference it was ok.  I did take 20 minutes from the planning period of Mr. D’s teacher but I also left with a good feeling that Mr. D is good.  When he is at school he is happy and loved.  I think it gave a moment of relief to both teacher and parent. 

This being said, love your teachers, they are with our kids more than we are during the week.  Bring them a drink from Sonic or Starbucks, they can’t run out and get them.  

But, also when you feel the gut need to call them, listen.  I will benefit YOU, the TEACHER, and YOUR student.

I will end this with a prayer that I used when I was a teacher:

Teacher's Prayer

Lord, Please help me, To strengthen their voices, bodies and minds,
To express their feelings and control them sometimes,
To explore what's near and venture afar,
But most important to love who they are.

P.S.- Never do a Google image search for crazy parents.  It will disturb you greatly.  

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