Monday, November 5, 2012


So, forgiveness is the new sermon series at church.  This video was used this week….

What struck me was that forgiveness is not so much for that person that you are forgiving….it is for your own freedom.

I also began think about how forgiving yourself is a key part to forgiveness.  I don’t know about you but I am my own worst critic (enemy, advisory, nemesis, etc.).  I can make a mistake and have others in my life forgive me but I am still worried about what I did, why I did it, and how it affects others. 

So, today I choose to breathe the breath of freedom and forgiveness.
I choose to remember the past, but focus on the future. 

Perspective:  Forgiveness is not easy (forgiveness to others or to yourself).  But, living with the anger and the fear that comes with unforgiveness is a poison to your soul, give yourself the freedom that comes with letting go, it does not change what has happened, but it changes how you view life each day:  with the taste of bitter poison (unforgiveness) or a breath of fresh air (forgiveness).    

1 comment:

  1. We've been reading Adam Hamilton's book Forgiveness in Sunday School. It's pretty great, and has some great conversation starters.
