When I was 6 years old I loved my parents more than anything. They kept me safe and they loved me no matter what.
When I was 12 years old I could not stand to be in the same room as my parents. They knew nothing, they were totally uncool and anything that came out of their mouth was just totally embarrassing. They still kept me safe and they loved me no matter what.
When I was 18 I was away at college. I missed my parents. I did not understand this because for the past 6 years I thought they were totally controlling and completely uncool. They kept me in their prayers every night and loved me no matter what.
When I was 24 I was newly married. I had a different name from my parents. I saw them now as people with real smarts. They knew things, they could help me and Mr. with decisions. They were real people. This was a weird realization. They still kept me and MR. in their prayers every night and loved me no matter what.
When I was 30 I had just given birth to my second son. I relied on my parents like I never had as an adult. I got it. We became friends. They still kept me, MR., Slick, and Mr. Determined in their prayers every night and loved me no matter what.
I am now 36. I am living a crazy busy life. My parents help me keep my rhythm. We love and respect each other. We pray for each other.
I know there is going to be a day where my boys can't stand to be in the same room with me. This reason will be simple. I am their Mom. I also know that our relationship will have a foundation that when they move from teenage years to young adult years our love will remain and our relationship will change and grow. They will also know that even when they are tall, stinky, pimply, mouthy, know-it-all teenagers, I will always love them and keep them safe.
I am so blessed to have wonderful parents (and amazing grandparents to my kids).
Perspective: Hug your parents. Call your parents. Say a prayer for your parents. If your parents have passed away. Get out a picture and tell your own children stories about them. If your parents were not so great, then call the adult in your life that help you become who you are today.
Just a little free therapy for me and to make you feel more normal.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
I have a big butt.....
So, today at staff chapel we saw this video......
It was so great....
What are the BUT's in your life. I am not just talking about church. What do you say no to before you think about it?
What should you think about and say YES to and not BUT.....
So, we all have big BUTTS.....and we should work on changing that. :-)
What are the BUT's in your life. I am not just talking about church. What do you say no to before you think about it?
What should you think about and say YES to and not BUT.....
So, we all have big BUTTS.....and we should work on changing that. :-)
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Here I go again: Tick-Tock
This is a short list on what keeps our family ticking,
and what helps me not forget my name.
My to do
list- I keep it on Evernote. That
way it is with me on my phone, my ipad, and any computer with internet. I can add and cross off where ever I am.
My Google
calendar- This is color coded, has alert settings, and is also on my phone,
ipad and any computer.
I really don’t need to say more (except that I now work with coffee snobs and
they are making me rethink my coffee choices).
It really does help just as much as the coffee.
· My
husband- He is my rock. He does not
say much, but when I need a swift kick in the rear or a soft place to land he
is always there for me.
friends- They keep me real.
My family-
They also keep me real.
My day off of work (let’s me do school work and grocery shopping)
devotions- I have finally come to a place in my life that on days that I do
not do my devotions I miss it. I now
need it to start my day on the correct path.
My bed
time. I have started making sure I
am in bed by 10. This assures me (not
so much Mr.- I snore) a good night sleep.
It also means that I should be able to get up and go to the gym. I will be honest - I hit snooze more that going. But I miss it so I know that I must put this back into my life. (Have have gone 2 times this week!!!)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Here we go again (back to school)
So, here I go again.
I am back to school starting next week.
I got my first syllabus on 1/20/13 and the excitement started. I started marking my calendar for reading,
projects, quizzes, midterms and finals.
Then I looked at my calendar and saw it was very full. But, I am so excited about what I will be
learning this semester that I did not really get too overwhelmed. Then I opened my calendar and realized that
the boys baseball schedule has not come out yet, oh, any my work scheduled was
not showing, and that means I now have this…oh and that…and well I did have my
Can I do this?
The short answer is YES!
This is how: I
look at this semester as just that. A
semester is 12 weeks of my life. I can
do this for 12 weeks. I can even do it
to my best on about 99% of the days. I
will adjust my evenings to reading and writing for school, not for personal
reading and mind numbing TV.
When people ask how are you going back to school with a
family and with a full time job? I say I
do it one day at a time. Then the next question
is: When are you done with school? This
one gives me hives. The answer that people want is when will I graduate? When will I be ordained in the church? In all honesty I don’t know. I am working towards both, and it will
happen, but I just don’t quite know when.
I have a goal to graduate by 2015 and be ordained in 2016. But, I hate saying that- it is seems so very
far away. But, if I say the semester is
over in May. I can say that with confidence
and joy.
In May of 2012 I attended the Ordination service for the
North Texas Conference. It was such a
beautiful service. In the moment when
one ordains stood for her moment of blessing and her family came to stand with
her I had a moment of crushing disappointment and fear. You see she had 2 boys in her family and they
looked to be Jr. High and High School age.
It was in this moment that I figured out that my boys will also be young
men when I complete this process. It truly
depressed and overwhelmed me. I went
home and cried. I fell into a hole of
worry, pity, self-doubt, and just overall blah. Then
I washed my face and though about life.
It is so fast, crazy fast! The
reality is that my boys will be driving sooner than later, Slick in 6 years and
Mr. Determined in 10, that I have been with Mr. half of my adult life. This process that I am in has gone by like a
blink in time. I am half way done with
my class work. It has been something
that I have LOVED. It has added to my
joy (and my stress) but it is happening.
The perspective is that time goes by so fast, and I know
2016 will be here before I know it. But,
if I look at it by 12 weeks, well that is a blink. That time frame is so doable. So, when something overwhelms you, have your
moment, and then look at it again in a “doable” way. Look at it in a way that can give you
peace. That might be one day, one week,
or one year. But, find that perspective
that will not cause you to go into hives.
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Gift from my sister when I started school. I love this still today! |
Thursday, January 17, 2013
What to say.....
This blog is the 3rd blog I have started. It has never really taken off. I find myself thinking now way to much about what to say. Why is that?
Well, I completely understand that this blog is not life changing for all that read it. I also understand that it will not be published in some blogger webpage as a top blog to read.
Yet, for the first time it is being read.
This is also the first time that I set up a blog from the real me, not some internet icon.
Those who know me know that I am a people pleaser (well most the time). I find myself writing something and then changing it because I think "so-and so" might not like that.This is a dangerous cycle that I can put my brain in.
So, today I find myself at a loss of words, which is very odd.
I started 3 different blogs today....
one about change
one about silly stuff (but then decided it was not that silly)
one about the expectations you put on your life.....this one I liked but had a hard time with all the words.
I even sent some emails and text to friends about what to write about. I started each of them and it just did not pan out.
So, today I tell you that my life is now so very typical that I feel very silly about writing about it. Mr. did not have and ICU moment this Christmas. He is going to work now, and if you were to meet us today you never would know that part of our life journey. We are back to our normal.
My path in minsitry had changed, but what more can I say about change?
My house still has things breaking (the dishwasher and the garage door) so nothing new there.
My boys are still boys. I can say that if Slick does not put on deodorant that I can not stand to be in the same room with him. But, I have a feeling this is my new normal.
I guess I am saying that I feel like the normal in my life at this point is so normal what do you say about it?!?!?!?
So, today you get ramblings about nothing. My perspective on this is that sometimes "normal", "boring", "typical" can allude all of us. We just live it. It becomes a rhythm that is like breathing, we no longer think about it. So, if today is your normal enjoy it. If today is your not so good, very bad day; remember that your "normal" is soon to come. So, today I say live life. Enjoy it. Notice it.
My devotion calendar says, "My child, pay attention to my words, listen closely to what I say. Don't ever forget my words, keep them always in mind. They are the key to life for those who find them, they bring health to the whole body." Proverbs 4: 20-22 This verse says to me me:pay attention to what I know, enjoy it, and live life for a greater reason (it is not all about me). This focus is what will give me my health and joy.
P.S.-Happy Birthday to my Sweet Sister!!!!
Well, I completely understand that this blog is not life changing for all that read it. I also understand that it will not be published in some blogger webpage as a top blog to read.
Yet, for the first time it is being read.
This is also the first time that I set up a blog from the real me, not some internet icon.
Those who know me know that I am a people pleaser (well most the time). I find myself writing something and then changing it because I think "so-and so" might not like that.This is a dangerous cycle that I can put my brain in.
So, today I find myself at a loss of words, which is very odd.
I started 3 different blogs today....
one about change
one about silly stuff (but then decided it was not that silly)
one about the expectations you put on your life.....this one I liked but had a hard time with all the words.
I even sent some emails and text to friends about what to write about. I started each of them and it just did not pan out.
So, today I tell you that my life is now so very typical that I feel very silly about writing about it. Mr. did not have and ICU moment this Christmas. He is going to work now, and if you were to meet us today you never would know that part of our life journey. We are back to our normal.
My path in minsitry had changed, but what more can I say about change?
My house still has things breaking (the dishwasher and the garage door) so nothing new there.
My boys are still boys. I can say that if Slick does not put on deodorant that I can not stand to be in the same room with him. But, I have a feeling this is my new normal.
I guess I am saying that I feel like the normal in my life at this point is so normal what do you say about it?!?!?!?
So, today you get ramblings about nothing. My perspective on this is that sometimes "normal", "boring", "typical" can allude all of us. We just live it. It becomes a rhythm that is like breathing, we no longer think about it. So, if today is your normal enjoy it. If today is your not so good, very bad day; remember that your "normal" is soon to come. So, today I say live life. Enjoy it. Notice it.
My devotion calendar says, "My child, pay attention to my words, listen closely to what I say. Don't ever forget my words, keep them always in mind. They are the key to life for those who find them, they bring health to the whole body." Proverbs 4: 20-22 This verse says to me me:pay attention to what I know, enjoy it, and live life for a greater reason (it is not all about me). This focus is what will give me my health and joy.
P.S.-Happy Birthday to my Sweet Sister!!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Instant Gratification
I love things that give me an "Instant Gratification" moment:
-reading a book
-a good work out
-ordering food to go
-a to do list that has everything checked off
-when I post on FB/Twitter/Instagram and *Boom*someone "likes" or retweets.
Ok, well you get the point. I have never been a very patient person. I like things done. When I think they should be done. This can be an annoying personality trait, both for my friends and family and for myself.
I am currently working on loosing the wonderful 16 pounds I found last year. I am really watching my diet and will soon add in the exercise. Here is my problem....I can not loose 16 pounds in one week. I did loose 3.2 pounds this past week. Why I got off the scale and noticed that I was disappointed. I then had to keep myself in check. -3.2 pounds is great. It was just not the instant gratification moment that I can snap my finger and have it "fixed".
I understand that most things in my life that give me joy are things that also do not give me instant gratification.
-my family
-my education
-my marrage
-my church
-my friends
All of these things take work and lots of time!!!
I remember that I got a detention in Jr. High for banging knocking on the bathroom door (which I though my friend was in) when the teacher came out of the bathroom and asked me to follow her, I did. She said, "Patience is a virtue" ,and then gave me a dentition. Her words are still something I remind myself as an adult.
Perspective: This is where perspective can be a wonderful gift. It really is all how you view situations. If you take a step back and notice the good, the accomplishments, the joy in situations it can give you the peace that you need. The peace is much better than the rush of instant gratification!!!
-reading a book
-a good work out
-ordering food to go
-a to do list that has everything checked off
-when I post on FB/Twitter/Instagram and *Boom*someone "likes" or retweets.
Ok, well you get the point. I have never been a very patient person. I like things done. When I think they should be done. This can be an annoying personality trait, both for my friends and family and for myself.
I am currently working on loosing the wonderful 16 pounds I found last year. I am really watching my diet and will soon add in the exercise. Here is my problem....I can not loose 16 pounds in one week. I did loose 3.2 pounds this past week. Why I got off the scale and noticed that I was disappointed. I then had to keep myself in check. -3.2 pounds is great. It was just not the instant gratification moment that I can snap my finger and have it "fixed".
I understand that most things in my life that give me joy are things that also do not give me instant gratification.
-my family
-my education
-my marrage
-my church
-my friends
All of these things take work and lots of time!!!
I remember that I got a detention in Jr. High for banging knocking on the bathroom door (which I though my friend was in) when the teacher came out of the bathroom and asked me to follow her, I did. She said, "Patience is a virtue" ,and then gave me a dentition. Her words are still something I remind myself as an adult.
Perspective: This is where perspective can be a wonderful gift. It really is all how you view situations. If you take a step back and notice the good, the accomplishments, the joy in situations it can give you the peace that you need. The peace is much better than the rush of instant gratification!!!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Be Present in Life!
So, I had a great week this week.
Why you might ask? Becasue I have been present.in each moment. It has been a goal.
It all came to me yesterday at 3:00.
Yesterday at 3:00.....I went home to pick up the boys and I was not ready to leave work. (We all know that we can always do 3 more things when we leave every day.) But, I did leave like my scheduled said.
I drove home and I walked outside to greet the kids and they ran to me and hugged me.
I had a true moment.
I was so happy to see them, they were happy to see me. I was present. I was not on my phone or on the computer when they walked in the door. My eyes meet their eyes and it was so very good.
I believe that this is the reason that my week has been so good.
I have been meeting new people, you have to be present in that moment.
I have been focusing on my family time.
I have been focusing on my work time.
I have had great phone calls with old and new friends.
This week I have found:
Perspective: Be present. It really can be that simple. Be a part of each moment wherever you are at (Target, Home, Work, School, etc.). The moments where you can focus makes the time more important and vital to who you are.
Why you might ask? Becasue I have been present.in each moment. It has been a goal.
It all came to me yesterday at 3:00.
Yesterday at 3:00.....I went home to pick up the boys and I was not ready to leave work. (We all know that we can always do 3 more things when we leave every day.) But, I did leave like my scheduled said.
I drove home and I walked outside to greet the kids and they ran to me and hugged me.
I had a true moment.
I was so happy to see them, they were happy to see me. I was present. I was not on my phone or on the computer when they walked in the door. My eyes meet their eyes and it was so very good.
I believe that this is the reason that my week has been so good.
I have been meeting new people, you have to be present in that moment.
I have been focusing on my family time.
I have been focusing on my work time.
I have had great phone calls with old and new friends.
This week I have found:
- I regret teaching my children "ice,ice, baby" If I listen to that song one more time I might stab myself in the eye.
- I have fallen in love with a new book with Slick. Read it: Wonderstruck by Brian Selnick
- I have spent some (a date night is needed) quality time with Mr.
- I have had loved having devoted time and place for work. It gives me energy and passion when I am surrounded by others with the same visions.
- I have given the time that I need for devotions. That is an energy that feeds my soul.
- I have to figure out when I can make it to the gym. That is missing and needed.
Perspective: Be present. It really can be that simple. Be a part of each moment wherever you are at (Target, Home, Work, School, etc.). The moments where you can focus makes the time more important and vital to who you are.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Life lessons from Kim
These are random things that I have found just make life that much better....(in no particular order)
Read in bed with your kids. I totally feel in love with Slicks book tonight and I plan on finishing it when I am done with this!
Hug and kiss your spouse when you/they get home. I am not talking put me back in an arch and give me a kiss of my life time, but the warm fuzzes come alive when I walk in the door and get a hug and a kiss.
Endulge. I am not saying go into debt, but I am saying plan and think of something that would just be fabulous. Then do it. FYI- This also does not need to be a $$$ thing, just a thing that makes you smile from the inside out!
Let go and laugh! This sounds so simple, but I find that I can get so wound up that even when something is funny I don't take the time to smile, to giggle, to belly laugh, and even better if you get a laugh/snort!
Have true friends. I honestly do not know how I would function with out my true friends. They keep me real, hold me up, laugh with me, send me silly pictures, tell me to get over it, and are honest true people in my life.
Pray. I love prayer. I love it because it connects me to something Greater than I am. I love it because it is honest. I love it because some times it is quiet, some times it is a poem, some times it is a song, sometimes it is silence.....but it is so real and gives me real energy. If you are not a Christian, than I recommend to sit and reflect. Give your self that time.
For the gals: Get a great bra! I wore an old bra this week at work and all day it haunted me. I love myself a good Bra! Soma......love soma!
So, that is what comes to mind today. This is by far not a complete list, but one that makes me happy.
So, what did I leave off the list? What makes you tick?
Perspective: Enjoy your life, take time to do that. I know it is not perfect, but it is YOURS. So, embrace it and find your list, that makes your day that much better.

Hug and kiss your spouse when you/they get home. I am not talking put me back in an arch and give me a kiss of my life time, but the warm fuzzes come alive when I walk in the door and get a hug and a kiss.
Endulge. I am not saying go into debt, but I am saying plan and think of something that would just be fabulous. Then do it. FYI- This also does not need to be a $$$ thing, just a thing that makes you smile from the inside out!
Let go and laugh! This sounds so simple, but I find that I can get so wound up that even when something is funny I don't take the time to smile, to giggle, to belly laugh, and even better if you get a laugh/snort!
Have true friends. I honestly do not know how I would function with out my true friends. They keep me real, hold me up, laugh with me, send me silly pictures, tell me to get over it, and are honest true people in my life.

Pray. I love prayer. I love it because it connects me to something Greater than I am. I love it because it is honest. I love it because some times it is quiet, some times it is a poem, some times it is a song, sometimes it is silence.....but it is so real and gives me real energy. If you are not a Christian, than I recommend to sit and reflect. Give your self that time.
For the gals: Get a great bra! I wore an old bra this week at work and all day it haunted me. I love myself a good Bra! Soma......love soma!
So, that is what comes to mind today. This is by far not a complete list, but one that makes me happy.
So, what did I leave off the list? What makes you tick?
Perspective: Enjoy your life, take time to do that. I know it is not perfect, but it is YOURS. So, embrace it and find your list, that makes your day that much better.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Change Happens
So, this week is the first week at a new church.
It is a change. I am loving it so far...but it is a change; A change in our families rhythm, a change in my ministry path, a change.
It has me thinking about change. When I was discerning (a word you use in seminary) about whether to change paths in my ministry.
I was all worried about change. And I was all worried that this would be such a big change: that it could be bad for me, for my family, for my new church, for the "old" church that I served. I was so worried about change........
I did not take a moment to stop and think that change happens. It happens all the time.
It happens with our kids: We watch them slowly grow up am become more independant. This change can hurt sometimes, but it is good.
It happens with our spouse: We grow and change in a marriage, sometimes it is for the better and sometimes it is not. I know I am not the same person that I was as a 23 year old. Some change is for the better, and some is not.
It happens with our friends: We don't all have the same friends though out our life. You might have 1 or 2 life long friends but other than that people come in and our of our life. I am so thankful for that. I have some wonderful people that have come into my life the past few years. On the flip side I have had others leave this world...and that well stinks.
It happens with our bodies: Ok, so it can get wider, or more fit, we grow taller, etc. You can even pay to have it changed. :-)
My point here is that change is always happening. ALWAYS. I guess that most of the change in our life is so simple or moves so slow that we are not afraid of it. It is the change that is sudden, that is scary. Not always bad, just puts a jolt into your daily rhythem.
Perspective: Pay attention to change, don't be afraid of it. When you need to:embrace it. When you need to: stop it. But, notice it. Change Happens!
It is a change. I am loving it so far...but it is a change; A change in our families rhythm, a change in my ministry path, a change.
It has me thinking about change. When I was discerning (a word you use in seminary) about whether to change paths in my ministry.
I was all worried about change. And I was all worried that this would be such a big change: that it could be bad for me, for my family, for my new church, for the "old" church that I served. I was so worried about change........
I did not take a moment to stop and think that change happens. It happens all the time.
It happens with our kids: We watch them slowly grow up am become more independant. This change can hurt sometimes, but it is good.
It happens with our spouse: We grow and change in a marriage, sometimes it is for the better and sometimes it is not. I know I am not the same person that I was as a 23 year old. Some change is for the better, and some is not.
It happens with our friends: We don't all have the same friends though out our life. You might have 1 or 2 life long friends but other than that people come in and our of our life. I am so thankful for that. I have some wonderful people that have come into my life the past few years. On the flip side I have had others leave this world...and that well stinks.
It happens with our bodies: Ok, so it can get wider, or more fit, we grow taller, etc. You can even pay to have it changed. :-)
My point here is that change is always happening. ALWAYS. I guess that most of the change in our life is so simple or moves so slow that we are not afraid of it. It is the change that is sudden, that is scary. Not always bad, just puts a jolt into your daily rhythem.
Perspective: Pay attention to change, don't be afraid of it. When you need to:embrace it. When you need to: stop it. But, notice it. Change Happens!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Joy is simple
So, after the poop post thought I would say this to try to win back some of you......
I was in a bible study with my Mom in my 20's and we were asked to reflect on the decades in our life. At that time I had birth, school, and some college. All of the years were full of ups and downs but when I was asked put the BIG moments on paper that is what I had.....BIRTH, SCHOOL, COLLEGE.
Life can be so good. I was reflecting on the good in my life and it is endless. But, if I focus on the bad it is endless also. So, here is a reflection on the good/bad of my life. (Starting in 1997) This might be a long one friends, so fill up your coffee.
1997- I met Mr. I was so very good, but like any new couple when the "new" started coming to a close, I saw that our good out weighed our bad.
1998-Moved home to do student teaching. No real friends back home. I graduated college. Mr. was still back at school, my Dad had lost his job, but in all that I had found a job teaching. A job that continues to give me life lessons today.
1999- Mr. graduated and in this year also proposed marriage (I said Yes) A good/bad again. We were getting married, but were still living in different cities.
2000- Married MR. Honestly a really a good year, but adjustments to living under the same roof and learning each other. (He also had about 3 lizard tanks in our apartment.....)
2001-Just living life and looking to buy a house. The week we signed on a house Mr. lost his job. He got a job and in 2002 we got the house. We also got a new dog.
*2002- New house. I changed jobs this year so that I would be teaching close to home. This was hard to leave the kids that I had been with for so long. We also miscarried this year. A hard time for sure.
*2003- This year ends in a great joy-this is when we became parents. But, Wow- what a journey. We had miscarried 2nd time and then become pregnant a 3rd time. I was on bed rest for 4+ months but others have had it worse, and we had a healthy baby boy in October.
2004- Adjusting to life as parents. I was working and it was a transition. All in all 2004 was just a year of adjustment.
2005- Out 5th wedding anniversary in the summer. I got transferred campuses after the 1st day of school. It was another year of transition, but again turned out just fine and I still have dear friends because of that transfer.
*2006- The birth of our 2nd boy. I was back on bed rest and now had a toddler...talk about transition......I will say this was a really hard year. But the good always wins.
2007-I decided to leave teaching. This was crazy hard to do, but hadsbrought me to where I am today. It was a good year, but again huge adjustments (especially in our budget).
2008- Just living the dream.....I was working part time and kids were happy but budget was tight and life was still adjusting. Yet again, the good was better than the bad.
2009-Slick started Kinder. I was on the other side of the school now a 'parent'. I had never been here before.
2010-Back to living the dream, work, kids, and life.
*2011- Mr. D and I started school together him Kinder and I grad school. I also changed career paths this year, instead of going back to the classroom went to Perkins and helped to launch a new chruch. I would say transitions this year were huge, but good. The end of 2011 is when Mr. gave us a scare in ICU and my total perspective on life changed.
2012-Mr. recovering and back to work, Mom in grad school, kids in school, work and life, and life and work......a great year, but again transition was knocking.
2103-So, don't know what to write it has been 3 days. But, so far: I have started a new job and have been surprised with a great dinner. I'll take that as a win.
Perspective: So,life happens every moment. We are a part of it. I find my self living in the worry and the crazy of the moment, but we can choose to look at it in ways that reflect the trauma and pain, or the joy that can come out of the moments. I know that reflection takes times, but in the moment remember joy is simple and can be found in all moments.
I will end with my grounding life verse: Philippians 4:4-9:
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
*These years were years that had tons of ups and downs. As, I have simply reflected on the years I noticed that the downs far exceed the ups. But, I do know at the time it did not feel that way.
I was in a bible study with my Mom in my 20's and we were asked to reflect on the decades in our life. At that time I had birth, school, and some college. All of the years were full of ups and downs but when I was asked put the BIG moments on paper that is what I had.....BIRTH, SCHOOL, COLLEGE.
Life can be so good. I was reflecting on the good in my life and it is endless. But, if I focus on the bad it is endless also. So, here is a reflection on the good/bad of my life. (Starting in 1997) This might be a long one friends, so fill up your coffee.
1997- I met Mr. I was so very good, but like any new couple when the "new" started coming to a close, I saw that our good out weighed our bad.
1998-Moved home to do student teaching. No real friends back home. I graduated college. Mr. was still back at school, my Dad had lost his job, but in all that I had found a job teaching. A job that continues to give me life lessons today.
1999- Mr. graduated and in this year also proposed marriage (I said Yes) A good/bad again. We were getting married, but were still living in different cities.
2000- Married MR. Honestly a really a good year, but adjustments to living under the same roof and learning each other. (He also had about 3 lizard tanks in our apartment.....)
2001-Just living life and looking to buy a house. The week we signed on a house Mr. lost his job. He got a job and in 2002 we got the house. We also got a new dog.
*2002- New house. I changed jobs this year so that I would be teaching close to home. This was hard to leave the kids that I had been with for so long. We also miscarried this year. A hard time for sure.
*2003- This year ends in a great joy-this is when we became parents. But, Wow- what a journey. We had miscarried 2nd time and then become pregnant a 3rd time. I was on bed rest for 4+ months but others have had it worse, and we had a healthy baby boy in October.
2004- Adjusting to life as parents. I was working and it was a transition. All in all 2004 was just a year of adjustment.
2005- Out 5th wedding anniversary in the summer. I got transferred campuses after the 1st day of school. It was another year of transition, but again turned out just fine and I still have dear friends because of that transfer.
*2006- The birth of our 2nd boy. I was back on bed rest and now had a toddler...talk about transition......I will say this was a really hard year. But the good always wins.
2007-I decided to leave teaching. This was crazy hard to do, but hadsbrought me to where I am today. It was a good year, but again huge adjustments (especially in our budget).
2008- Just living the dream.....I was working part time and kids were happy but budget was tight and life was still adjusting. Yet again, the good was better than the bad.
2009-Slick started Kinder. I was on the other side of the school now a 'parent'. I had never been here before.
2010-Back to living the dream, work, kids, and life.
*2011- Mr. D and I started school together him Kinder and I grad school. I also changed career paths this year, instead of going back to the classroom went to Perkins and helped to launch a new chruch. I would say transitions this year were huge, but good. The end of 2011 is when Mr. gave us a scare in ICU and my total perspective on life changed.
2012-Mr. recovering and back to work, Mom in grad school, kids in school, work and life, and life and work......a great year, but again transition was knocking.
2103-So, don't know what to write it has been 3 days. But, so far: I have started a new job and have been surprised with a great dinner. I'll take that as a win.
Perspective: So,life happens every moment. We are a part of it. I find my self living in the worry and the crazy of the moment, but we can choose to look at it in ways that reflect the trauma and pain, or the joy that can come out of the moments. I know that reflection takes times, but in the moment remember joy is simple and can be found in all moments.
I will end with my grounding life verse: Philippians 4:4-9:
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, beloved,
whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is
pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any
excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you."
*These years were years that had tons of ups and downs. As, I have simply reflected on the years I noticed that the downs far exceed the ups. But, I do know at the time it did not feel that way.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Random Question....
Why is it that potty humor is so very funny?
I must remind you all that I am surrounded by boys (and one man). Mr. laughs just as much as the boys so I honestly have a hard time separating them for the propose of this blog.
I am talking about a toot....one little toot can cause belly laughs for a good 5 minutes.
If you happen to say the word poop, the giggles are completely contagious.
At the grocery story today I found my self singing, "Bean, Beans, the magical fruit......" In public, like it is completely normal to sing that as you are grabbing for some black beans.
So, I just wanted to say that after listening to a 15 minute belly laugh fest all about poop and farts, why is poop so funny? I prefer for it to just be flushed and that be the end of the story, but that is just me.
Top 10 Words that make my boys laugh: (in no order)
poop, fart, armpit, boob, (fart noise), and then repeat.
Perspective: Sorry, but that is all I have for you today. It could have been worse, I could have talked about smelly arm pits.......oh wait that was in the list. Ok, tomorrow will be a devotion. :-)
I must remind you all that I am surrounded by boys (and one man). Mr. laughs just as much as the boys so I honestly have a hard time separating them for the propose of this blog.
I am talking about a toot....one little toot can cause belly laughs for a good 5 minutes.
If you happen to say the word poop, the giggles are completely contagious.
At the grocery story today I found my self singing, "Bean, Beans, the magical fruit......" In public, like it is completely normal to sing that as you are grabbing for some black beans.
So, I just wanted to say that after listening to a 15 minute belly laugh fest all about poop and farts, why is poop so funny? I prefer for it to just be flushed and that be the end of the story, but that is just me.
Top 10 Words that make my boys laugh: (in no order)
poop, fart, armpit, boob, (fart noise), and then repeat.
Perspective: Sorry, but that is all I have for you today. It could have been worse, I could have talked about smelly arm pits.......oh wait that was in the list. Ok, tomorrow will be a devotion. :-)
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
2013 is here!
Ok, I have to say that 2013 has been great so far! Mr. let me sleep in until 10:00.....really...... I slept until 10:00!!!! I am an early riser but I guess this girl needed her sleep!
Then we went to a great community event the Polar Bear Plunge. If you have never heard of it check it out! Slick is thinking about jumping in next year!
Scott Sullivan Scholarship Fund https://sites.google.com/site/sssf2009/home-1
Then some shopping and some lazy time and even some paper writing.
I have to say that I am excited about this new year and the new opportunities that will be possible.
My friend from High School posted this on face book, "I see a lot of people saying this year was bad and yay! for the next year. Here's the deal, pickles. If I looked back at my years I would have to say every year since 2000 has been a f***taster. Here is my advice (listen up, I don't give advice often): go week to week. If you can look at your week and and see that you had even one good day... You are pretty damned lucky. I am happy because I strive to live in the moment. Don't look back and think your years have been bad. It is much easier to just hope for a good week. Then it is much easier to deal with a rough day or two."
Perspective: This made me stop and think. It gave me great perspective. Every day that we have is a gift, even the f***aster days. So enjoy them. Find the good in each one....if you can't then go to bed and know that tomorrow is new.
So, Happy 2013! If you would like to read her blog it is posted in my side view. I look up to her in so many ways. She has a plate that is full and she is honest about it all. http://raisingcrazydiaries.blogspot.com/
Our family pictures from NYE.....
Then we went to a great community event the Polar Bear Plunge. If you have never heard of it check it out! Slick is thinking about jumping in next year!
Scott Sullivan Scholarship Fund https://sites.google.com/site/sssf2009/home-1
Then some shopping and some lazy time and even some paper writing.
I have to say that I am excited about this new year and the new opportunities that will be possible.
My friend from High School posted this on face book, "I see a lot of people saying this year was bad and yay! for the next year. Here's the deal, pickles. If I looked back at my years I would have to say every year since 2000 has been a f***taster. Here is my advice (listen up, I don't give advice often): go week to week. If you can look at your week and and see that you had even one good day... You are pretty damned lucky. I am happy because I strive to live in the moment. Don't look back and think your years have been bad. It is much easier to just hope for a good week. Then it is much easier to deal with a rough day or two."
Perspective: This made me stop and think. It gave me great perspective. Every day that we have is a gift, even the f***aster days. So enjoy them. Find the good in each one....if you can't then go to bed and know that tomorrow is new.
So, Happy 2013! If you would like to read her blog it is posted in my side view. I look up to her in so many ways. She has a plate that is full and she is honest about it all. http://raisingcrazydiaries.blogspot.com/
Our family pictures from NYE.....
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On our way for a NYE surprise! |
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Surprise! |
#1...my head cut out.... |
#2 My butt sticking out.... |
#3...who we all are. |
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