Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Change Happens

So, this week is the first week at a new church.

It is a change.  I am loving it so far...but it is a change; A change in our families rhythm, a change in my ministry path, a change. 

It has me thinking about change.   When I was discerning (a word you use in seminary) about whether to change paths in my ministry.

I was all worried about change.  And I was all worried that this would be such a big change: that it could be bad for me, for my family, for my new church, for the "old" church that I served.  I was so worried about change........

I did not take a moment to stop and think that change happens.   It happens all the time.

It happens with our kids:   We watch them slowly grow up am become more independant.  This change can hurt sometimes, but it is good.

It happens with our spouse:   We grow and change in a marriage, sometimes it is for the better and sometimes it is not.  I know I am not the same person that I was as a 23 year old.   Some change is for the better, and some is not.

It happens with our friends:   We don't all have the same friends though out our life.  You might have 1 or 2 life long friends but other than that people come in and our of our life.  I am so thankful for that.  I have some wonderful people that have come into my life the past few years.  On the flip side I have had others leave this world...and that well stinks.

It happens with our bodies:  Ok, so it can get wider, or more fit, we grow taller, etc.  You can even pay to have it changed. :-)

My point here is that change is always happening.   ALWAYS.   I guess that most of the change in our life is so simple or moves so slow that we are not afraid of it.   It is the change that is sudden, that is scary.   Not always bad, just puts a jolt into your daily rhythem.

 Perspective:  Pay attention to change, don't be afraid of it.   When you need to:embrace it.   When you need to: stop it.   But, notice it.   Change Happens!

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