Friday, January 4, 2013

Joy is simple

So, after the poop post thought I would say this to try to win back some of you......

I was in a bible study with my Mom in my 20's and we were asked to reflect on the decades in our life.  At that time I had birth, school, and some college.  All of the years were full of ups and downs but when I was asked put the BIG moments on paper that is what I had.....BIRTH, SCHOOL, COLLEGE.

Life can be so good.  I was reflecting on the good in my life and it is endless. But, if I focus on the bad it is endless also.  So, here is a reflection on the good/bad of my life.  (Starting in 1997)  This might be a long one friends, so fill up your coffee. 


1997- I met Mr. I was so very good, but like any new couple when the "new" started coming to a close, I saw that our good out weighed our bad.

1998-Moved home to do student teaching.  No real friends back home. I graduated college.  Mr. was still back at school, my Dad had lost his job, but in all that I had found a job teaching.  A job that continues to give me life lessons today.

1999- Mr. graduated and in this year also proposed marriage (I said Yes)  A good/bad again.   We were getting married, but were still living in different cities.

2000- Married MR.  Honestly a really a good year, but adjustments to living under the same roof and learning each other.  (He also had about 3 lizard tanks in our apartment.....)

2001-Just living life and looking to buy a house.  The week we signed on a house Mr. lost his job.  He got a job and in 2002 we got the house.  We also got a new dog.

*2002- New house.  I changed jobs this year so that I would be teaching close to home.  This was hard to leave the kids that I had been with for so long.  We also miscarried this year.  A hard time for sure.

*2003- This year ends in a great joy-this is when we became parents.   But, Wow- what a journey.  We had miscarried 2nd time and then become pregnant a 3rd time.  I was on bed rest for 4+ months but others have had it worse, and we had a healthy baby boy in October.

2004- Adjusting to life as parents.  I was working and it was a transition.  All in all 2004 was just a year of adjustment.

2005- Out 5th wedding anniversary in the summer.   I got transferred campuses after the 1st day of school.  It was another year of transition, but again turned out just fine and I still have dear friends because of that transfer.

*2006- The birth of our 2nd boy.  I was back on bed rest and now had a about transition......I will say this was a really hard year.  But the good always wins.

2007-I decided to leave teaching.  This was crazy hard to do, but hadsbrought me to where I am today.  It was a good year, but again huge adjustments (especially in our budget).

2008- Just living the dream.....I was working part time and kids were happy but budget was tight and life was still adjusting. Yet again, the good was better than the bad.

2009-Slick started Kinder.  I was on the other side of the school now a 'parent'.  I had never been here before. 

2010-Back to living the dream, work, kids, and life.

*2011- Mr. D and I started school together him Kinder and I grad school.  I also changed career paths this year, instead of going back to the classroom went to Perkins and helped to launch a new chruch.  I would say transitions this year were huge, but good.  The end of 2011 is when Mr. gave us a scare in ICU and my total perspective on life changed.

2012-Mr. recovering and back to work, Mom in grad school, kids in school, work and life, and life and work......a great year, but again transition was knocking. 

2103-So, don't know what to write it has been 3 days.  But, so far: I have started a new job and have been surprised with a great dinner.  I'll take that as a win.

Perspective:  So,life happens every moment.   We are a part of it.  I find my self living in the worry and the crazy of the moment, but we can choose to look at it in ways that reflect the trauma and pain, or the joy that can come out of the moments.  I know that reflection takes times, but in the moment remember joy is simple and can be found in all moments.

I will end with my grounding life verse: Philippians 4:4-9:

 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you."

*These years were years that had tons of ups and downs.  As, I have simply reflected on the years I noticed that the downs far exceed the ups.  But, I do know at the time it did not feel that way. 


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