Hug and kiss your spouse when you/they get home. I am not talking put me back in an arch and give me a kiss of my life time, but the warm fuzzes come alive when I walk in the door and get a hug and a kiss.
Endulge. I am not saying go into debt, but I am saying plan and think of something that would just be fabulous. Then do it. FYI- This also does not need to be a $$$ thing, just a thing that makes you smile from the inside out!
Let go and laugh! This sounds so simple, but I find that I can get so wound up that even when something is funny I don't take the time to smile, to giggle, to belly laugh, and even better if you get a laugh/snort!
Have true friends. I honestly do not know how I would function with out my true friends. They keep me real, hold me up, laugh with me, send me silly pictures, tell me to get over it, and are honest true people in my life.

Pray. I love prayer. I love it because it connects me to something Greater than I am. I love it because it is honest. I love it because some times it is quiet, some times it is a poem, some times it is a song, sometimes it is silence.....but it is so real and gives me real energy. If you are not a Christian, than I recommend to sit and reflect. Give your self that time.
For the gals: Get a great bra! I wore an old bra this week at work and all day it haunted me. I love myself a good Bra! Soma......love soma!
So, that is what comes to mind today. This is by far not a complete list, but one that makes me happy.
So, what did I leave off the list? What makes you tick?
Perspective: Enjoy your life, take time to do that. I know it is not perfect, but it is YOURS. So, embrace it and find your list, that makes your day that much better.
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