Saturday, September 29, 2012


How you budget your money can say a lot for who you are as a family/person.  Now, you all know that my budget is in a color coded excel spreadsheet.
Our Budget

But, that is what works for us.  The point of a budget is looking at the money that comes in and the money that goes out.

This is also different for each family.  Some families function on one income, some on two.  Some of us get paid weekly, some by weekly, and some monthly.  These are all factors that play into how you budget your money.

We are living on a tight budget.  I hope to always live on a tight budget, that means that we are watching our spending and our giving and making sure that it is in accordance to how we want to live our lives.

A tool that has really helped me see how we spend our money is  This web site is a secure site that gives you pie graphs, email alerts, etc. about your spending.  It was an eye opener for me.  It is very easy this day and age to use your debit card or credit cards like they are just full of free money.  But, when you see a graph of where your money is really going is a great reality check.

Dave Ramsey is also a great resource.  His baby steps get you going in a positive direction.  We are working on these and after the our crazy year of things breaking we are back on Step One.  But, I tell you I am really glad that we had a savings account to get us through.  

Budgeting really stinks at times because you have to tell yourself no.  You must use self-control.

So, how do you spend your money?  What do you budget for that you feel guilty about?

Put your life and money into perspective:  Yes, Suzie Q has much more money than you.  But you have a bunch more money than Billy Joe. 
It is not the amount of money that you have it is how you choose to spend it that matters.  

John Wesley has a quote that I love about money, “Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can”.  

This puts it into a wonderful perspective.  Don’t feel bad when you work hard and get money.  Only feel bad when that money is not put into positive use.  

*I did not get and $$ to praise these 2 web pages.  They have just helped me out.

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