Monday, October 1, 2012


I like to Preach the Word and get my Church on.

Picture from my 1st sermon.

So, I had the opportunity to preach this past week at church.  I have to admit I just love it.  I never though I would be able to stand in front of a church and give spiritual guidance.  It is a bit overwhelming when you think about it.

The 1st sermon I preached was so over rehearsed I was just glad to be done with it.

The 2nd sermon I did was better. You know why?  I let God in.

It was rehearsed, it was prepared but when I was moved to go in a different direction, I did.

You see preaching takes time. I usually get an idea about a sermon from reading something, watching something, in my devotion times, at Kroger, or in the middle of the night and I just jot them down.

I would say that at this point in my novice career I spend a full day week on the sermon.  I study the biblical passage, I write and outline, I leave it alone, I come back to it see what is missing. I write some more.  Then when it is time to preach I let myself be open to the Spirit.  I have found that when I come prepared and when I come open, the message means much more for the people who are listening.

It is moved by their prayers.  It is moved by their presence.   (How many times do you think:  He/She is talking to me.  Were they listening to my phone calls?  How did they know?)

It is better, because it is not my words alone.  It is the words of the community.

Perspective: Life is so much better when you are open.  Open to listening, open to learning, open to praying.  What do you need to open up about?  

**If you want to read my sermon outlines click on the 'sermon' tab at the top of this page.**

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