Starting a family was not as easy as the Mr. or I would
have planned. We got pregnant, but the pregnancies did not
go to term. Slick was my 3rd pregnancy and I
spent about 6 months of in and out of the hospital on bed rest. Mr. Determined was our 5th
pregnancy and I was lucky to be on “house rest” the majority of that
pregnancy. (Now, perspective…I was only
down 6 months. I know of people who spend the 9 months in a hospital bed. I know of others that are not able to get pregnant. We are blessed to have 2 kiddos.)
I am telling you this so you know that we had many
emotions when we started our family. We
prayed, we cried, we got angry, we were full love and peace at times; we at times
were just lost. These emotions are
similar to how it is now as a family.
I love the fact that I smile and my kids smile when we
see each other after a day at school.
I love on Saturdays the boys pile in our bed. (Unless we lock the door to get some sleep.)
I love that hugging a child when they are happy or sad is
a place of joy.
I love knowing the true absolute love that comes with
having children.
I love watching my kids become independent. It does hurt sometimes when they don’t need
me as much, but that is our jobs as parents: to prepare them to live.
I love reading with my kids. I need to do it more. It is both of our happy times. (I LOVE watching the Mr. reading with our boys.)
I love learning about sports. Did you know that baseball has umpires not referees?
I love seeing the world with childlike eyes. It gives old things a new splendor.
I love celebrating holidays as a family and making
I love seeing my parents with my boys.
I love sending my boys to my parents’ house and enjoying
the quiet that we once took for granted.
I love talking theology with my kids. The questions they ask are hard and lead me
to new spiritual places as an adult.
Simply…I love having kids and all that comes with
it. I could use a break some days, but I
will take a nap when I am 70. Just
living the dream….
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