Time is such an odd trick on us. In one moment you feel like times is slowly
ticking by and then you blink and a year has gone by.
I can apply this to all aspects of my life family, work,
friends, and school.
Mr. and I have been married over 13 years. How did that happen? I was under 21 when we started
dating….hahah. Then the life that we
have built is going by so fast. We have
been in our home over 10 years, we have 2 kids who are gaining independence and
our family life seems like it is just going by at lightning speed. I will not even begin to describe how fast my children's lives are going by....
I have been at my new church for over 6 months. Some days it feels like I have been there
for years and some days I feel like it is my first week. But in the overview of life….I have been
working at churches for over 6 years…..how is that? My years as a teacher do not seem that far
away, yet the group I taught when we moved here ….they will be Seniors this
year…..and I taught them in 1st grade. So, time is passing by!
My “new” group of friends that we found when we moved to the
burbs in 2002….have been a part of our lives for over 10 years.
This is where I feel like time is just a ticking by. I am going part time so I have seen several
groups of friends graduate, and many are away at their internships, and I am
still chugging along taking classes. I know my timing is right for my calling, my
family, and all of the people involved in my life.
The point:
My first night in United Methodist History there are about
30 people sitting in a room. The common
thread is Perkins School of Theology and a required class for ordination. As the class introductions went on it was
oh, do you know…YES…..and again, and again, and again. The moments in our lives are very connected
and the people in our lives are a
part of our story. It became comical towards the end of class of how connected our lives really are!
Perspective: Enjoy
your time. Love the people who are
around you. If you don’t love them at
least be civil, they will most likely be a part of your life again.