Monday, October 29, 2012

A day in the life:Cooking:

Don’t you wonder how people run their house?  How do they do laundry? Do they cook every night?  How do they clean?  How do they balance the kids homework/and extra curricular activities?  What is the morning routine so you are not tardy every day to school/work.

So, this week is going to be "A day in the life..."   I do not have it all figured out by any means, some weeks are better than others, but this is how we do it.   So this week's perspective is family life and how we do it.  Please leave comments on how you do it.  That way we can all learn from each other.

Ok, so I do try to cook almost every night.  That means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.  Saturdays we do it together, Dan or I, the kids and Dan, the kids and I.  Whatever works.  (Wednesday I am in class and I usually do a crock pot meal that night.) 
I don’t cook on Sunday.  This is not some fancy religions practice, it is because I work on Sunday and I don’t want to cook. J
So, I use the planning website   I like this one for many reasons…..
  • it plans 7 meals and I usually only cook 4-5 so we can pick
  • it comes with a grocery list (it plans with what is on sale at Kroger or whatever store you choose)
  • FYI- it does cost $ to subscribe, but if I follow it I feel like I save $$ at Kroger.

So, I get the email on Sunday for the next week.  I look at what will work/won’t work with our family.   I then write what we are having on the fridge and call it done .   

I got this item at Target.
In a perfect world I go grocery shopping Monday morning after I drop off the kids at school.  But, some weeks work/school is too busy so we just go when we can.   I find the more often we go to the story, the more money we spend.  So, it is best when we go once a week.  I try to stick to the list!  If I start grabbing things that I think we need it usually adds $30+ to the bill and I get home and see that we already have it.

So, that is how we eat.  Some days I get home and just don’t want to do it…so we have cereal.    When I have exams….I take the boys to the frozen food and cereal isles and let them go crazy.  J   It is not a perfect plan but it works just fine for us.  

Oh, and I am a big fan of the "bad meat bin" is not bad...just gotta sell before it goes bad.   I ALWAYS visit that section.   It is the one thing I will allow myself to by that is not on the grocery list.  I just throw it in the freezer when I get home.  

Tomorrow: A day in the life: Morning routine….how do we leave on time?  Or do we?


  1. I used to use the NOTEPAD tool on my iphone for a ton of lists. Lists for Grocery, Costco, meal plans for the week etc. I have recently found an app called It is $5.00 per month to be a gold member, but it is AWESOME. It has a calendar function that can be shared within your family. Each person in the family has their own color. There is a website for the tool and an app. Their is meal planning, recipe ideas, and grocery lists. broken out for grocery and wholesale. I like it because i can add things to the list throughout the week, and then if husband goes to the store... no more asking what we need. Same goes for the calendar. it is up to date and shared instantly.

  2. I will have to check that out!
