Friday, May 16, 2014

Time to laugh!

So, I am ashamed to admit that having fun is not always on the top of my "to-do" list.

My list is full of work stuff, house stuff, family stuff, not anything fun.  I don't say....make sure and laugh today.

This hit me when my youngest said, "Let's play hide and seek."  My first thought was.....I just sat down.....

Then I looked at his sad eyes as I hesitated and I  said yes.  THEN I got one of my favorite smiles.....

Then next 20-30 minutes were us finding each other in the same spots we always hide in (we really need to become more creative!)

Then it ending when some cuddle time reading one of his favorite books.

You know what I missed out on when I said Yes to a game of hide and seek?

folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, and just sitting on the couch.

When I put that in perspective it should be really easy to say Yes to that.   Fun is one thing that keeps a family together.  It is in the laughter and the games that you build relationships with each other.

Watch this video with someone you love....and have fun laughing.....

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