Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I have not blogged for a long time….but this time of my life I see so much stress in people lives (AKA my own life).....

My heart says, "Enjoy each moment….they vanish like a blink of an eye."  But, I am tired......

THEN- I sat at lunch last Sunday with a family of young kids, a retired man, and my oldest son. The retired man looked at us and said, "You are living life now.  Enjoy it. You are working, you are tired, you are overwhelmed.  This is the life."


Then he said, "I am retired, I have to think of things to do each day.  I am not ‘needed' at games, at school, etc.  I have done that.  I miss it so much.  Please enjoy this time you are in now.  It is overwhelming, you are tired, but you know you are loved and needed."


I realize that as life happens we tend to ignore it.  We just do it.  We take our kids here and there and are annoyed about how busy our days are……but what else are our days supposed to be?  

I have a busy life with a busy family.  It annoys me.  I'll be honest.

This man let me look at it by a different perspective.

This is my life and I would not want it any other way.  I love my husband more that words can say.  I miss a night with him without anything to do……

but…..I also love the life that we have created.  I love the nights at the baseball fields, the night of homework, the stress of where are my baseball cleats, the mornings that I wake up thinking…"Can I take a nap today?"……

But, this is my life.  I really would not want it any other way.  I do what I can to make it suitable.  We have crock pot meals, random what is in the pantry meals, cereal night, and drive through night……that is just ok.  It does not need to look like… just needs to look like my family.

May is crazy.  A family life in May is NUTS.  I also was on a work conference and we are taking an anniversary trip that I planned thought this would be a great time before summer (WHAT?!?!?)…….Don't' even think about finals, teacher appreciation week, Mother's Day, Promotion Sunday is around the corner….then VBS!!!!!

I hope my life stays crazy.  I am thankful that a family needs me, that my calling needs me, that my husband needs me.  I will take a nap when I am 70-- right before I remind people my current age/life stage that this time is crazy busy so very special.  Don't miss out.....

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