So, this weekend my SFA gals are coming into town and we are going to PARTY.
Now, when I say PARTY I mean: eat, get our nails done, have a nice dinner, do some shopping, and laugh until our faces hurt.
I have known these ladies longer that I have my hubby. We knew each
other as young 18 year old's: making stupid decisions, being home sick,
breaking up with boys, stressed about exams, worried about a zit on the
day of a formal, etc. At our apartment in 1997:
1997 |
Yes I have on overalls and C has on a Bennie. We are so cool. |
We are so skinny so I had to post it and red lipstick was totally in. |
We have now been at each others weddings, dried tears for each others tears through; miscarriages, surgeries, ICU, moves, the good the bad and the ugly. I can say in all honesty we find a way to laugh and be 18 year old girls just living in the dorm in most of these situation. At my wedding:
My Wedding. |
But, now that we all live in different cities and we all have kids, and we all have crazy busy lives, it is so wonderful to have 3 days that are just for us. Our weekend in 2010:
2010 |
2011 |
And with families and some moves around the country we have missed a year
or two. But, not this year. Nope this year begins in about 4 hours.
Every year we plan for the next at this point takes a color coded excel document to make it happen.
I will say there is something powerful about a friendship that begins in college. We know things about each other that many of our adult friends don't know. I am not saying they are some deep secretes that we all keep for each other, but we have been a part of each others lives for so long it is so nice just to be with people who just KNOW who you are.
We don't have to see each other every day or talk on the phone every week. We have 3 days a year. They belong to us. So, have a great weekend and call an 'old' friend and say hi! You won't regret it!
P.S.: I found this picture of Mr. He is super cute! I should totally marry that guy! :-)

P.S.S.- This is what my boys will be doing: