Thursday, November 8, 2012

Worlds colliding….

So, I have many little worlds in my life.
I have my family and my home.
I have several different circles of friends.
I have my different church worlds.
I have my Perkins world.

What I have noticed that each world can perceive me in a different light.  I wonder am I different in each facet of my life?  I would hope that I am the same person to each place that makes my life complete.   But, I just don’t know.

It does make me wonder if one day all of my worlds collided and I had a house full of every person that is a part of me, would they all get along???   How would I act?  Would I be the same person?

I like to believe that I am strong in whom I am, that I am true to myself.  I believe that most days I am.   Just thinking here, this is not a blog with answers only questions. J

So, who are you?  What would others say about you?

What is your passion?
What is your pet peeve?
Who do you strive to be each day?

Perspective:  Today: be strong and powerful to you, and this will transcend to the others around you.  

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