Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Well....I can not post before and after pictures just yet.  In fact it would be before and before.

I have started attending the gym more than once a month.  (It is now about 2 times a week).  and Slick has talked me into training for a 10K (it has been changed to a 5K....10 K will come) he is keeping me running on the days I don't go to the gym.

So, I am still 15-20 pounds over weight.   I am still complaining about it, but now I am doing a little more to counter act the glass of wine, or Halloween candy.  :-)

So, I just though you all deserved an update.  I don't have a magic pill because there is not a magic pill.

I need to eat better and exercise more.  Simply put.

This was the first day of training....a 9 year old is hard to keep up with!!!

Perspective:  When you blog about exercise weight people ask you if you have gone to the gym.  You have to say no (but it does motivate you to go more than once a month) time I will blog about writing papers or reading Treatise on the Virtures....I have been doing that. :-)


  1. Right there with ya girl! But I've got a few years on you, so my sense or urgency feels a bit louder than yours! I'm restarting the Couch to 5K program today :)

    1. Good luck with it! Cody and I are running the Turkey Trot here in Frisco. :-)
