Friday, April 19, 2013

How has seminary changed me?

So, I was thinking about the world this week, the terror, the hurt, the pain.   It made me reflect on my past 2 years in school and how it has changed how I view life.

Seminary is not for the faint of heart, it is a constant pull on your faith, your brain, your life.  But, I must say that it has made me weaker at times but as a whole it is transforming me into a stronger person.

I at times have wished that I would have done this about 10 years ago.  That would have given me more time for school.  But, I do think that more time for school would have given me to much time to think.   Honestly.

I am glad that my world is full.  I am glad that I am doing this schooling with a husband, with children, with friends who are outside of my schooling.  I think if I would have done this 10 years ago I would find myself trapped in a world of Theology.  I would think to much.
 I have a love/hate relationship with the time that school takes. The readings are deep and at times  rock my world.  But, I can't stay in that place.  I have the opportunity not only to be a student, but also to be a wife, a mother, and a friend, serving a local church.  It gives me perspective on what I am learning that I would not have had 10 years ago.  I get the opportunity to read things from the perspective of

  •  a mother
  •  a person who allows myself to questions faith and religion
  •  a wife
  • a friend
  • a person who is currently serving a local church

These perspectives make me get of of the deep pool of theology and live my life.

Now, I am in no way saying that the students in school who are young and single are being cheated.  They are not at all.   They are doing this in the time that is right for them.

Yet,I am thankful for the study time at the soccer practices that gave me great in site of others who are not in class with me.

I am thankful for the questions and conversations that happen when I am at the baseball fields watching a game.

I am thankful for the moments when I talk with my children about faith and theology.  They keep me real.

I am thankful for Mr's perspective on my class topics.

I am glad that I am doing this when I am 36 and my life is crazy full.  It is in this fullness that I am getting so much more out of school.

Ok, I have a paper to write and I need to get it done so that I can watch a movie with my family tonight.

So, how has seminary changed me?

Simply....when I see tragedy, I also now see hope.  In darkness I see light.   Some days that light is brighter than others, but I now look for it.

P.S.- oh and I totally know the definitions of: exegesis, transcendence,apocalypticism,  Documentary Hypothesis, and so many other words that I don't really use in my 'real' life.  I also know who Bart, Kierkergaard, Aquinas, and other people who I never really knew existed.  ;-)

Friday, April 5, 2013

That @#&%#* bowling ball

So, in January I posted about my gradual (but nice and steady) weight gain.  It is 16 pounds (depending on the day and the scale....some days it is 20). See Blog Here. 

It is now March and I am embarrassed to say....I am still carrying that silly ball and with me all the time.

Let's just round it up to 20 pounds...why not?  ug.....

UG.   I have a new plan and so far this week it seems to be working.  I am counting my calories (My fitness pal) and I am walking.  So, I am just actually DOING my original plan. 

You see this became gradual progression from a work out all the time-to miss a few days, to once a week, to NEVER. I have not been at the gym in 2 months.


Well you see I have the type of personality that I need to do it strong and ALL or what is the point? 

The point is that going to the gym 2 times a week is much better than 0.  (I was going 4-5 days a week. )

The point is that going for a walk is better than NOT going for a run.

The point is that I need to take care of me.  I feel icky, I don't like the way my clothes fit (most of them don't) and I really don't like pictures of me.

I had 4 people pat my belly on Easter Sunday and I don't have a cute baby in it.  I also have 3 chins in this picture. This dress is also really cute, but 2 sizes bigger than it should be.....

So, I now have a plan.  I am no longer just talking and writing about it I am doing something about it.

I will loose 2 pounds a week and by June I will be back to where I need to be.

I will do this by:

-writing down everything that goes in my mouth
-going to the gym 2 days a week (this will increase but it is my starting point)
-walking 2 days a week (this will turn into a jog, but hey got to start somewhere)
-cutting out most sugars
-being accountable with friends and family.
- I am also going to try out Yoga. :-)

Ok, so now you know.   If you would like friend me on My Fitness Pal or on Striiv (counts my steps) please do!

Perspective:   Staying healthy takes work and commitment, just as other things in my life that I care deeply about.  So, I need to give myself the time and attention that I give my family, work and school.  It really is that Simple.