Wednesday, June 17, 2015

VBS 2015- Get ready to MOVE!

VBS is next week from June 22-25 9:00am-12:00 noon and then wrapping up with a Family Experience Friday, June 26 from 6:30-7:15.  We’re looking forward to a great time!

What I love about VBS is this week cannot be possible without the passion of our amazing church family.  Planning for this week takes an incredible team of people.  I want to thank all of our volunteers that have helped:
recruit volunteers
develop creative arts and crafts
organize all of our youth volunteers
plan all of the amazing decor for the church
volunteer to teach
volunteer to be a small group leader
help lead music
help in the large group each morning

I would like to specifically thank our  Leadership Team:  Debbie Anderson, Meridith Saunders, Heather Coleman, Cheryl Hamilton, Cathy Turner, Suzanne Judkins, and Elisha Harrison.   This group of church volunteers have worked so hard for months to insure that this VBS will be the best year yet!

St. Andrew shows again, and again what a church can be.  We support one another and work together to bring the love and light of Christ to all we encounter.

So, thank you St. Andrew!  You are all amazing!

I though the blog entry that I wrote from last year would be a great way to start VBS this week.  Let's get read to MOVE!  VBS 2015!!!

Looking for Amazing Things (6/27/14)
I just completed an AMAZING week at St. Andrew.  We had so much fun at our VBS!  We had about 500 people in the building (children, youth, and volunteers).

It was a week that was full of many things.  As the children's pastor, it is easy to view things in "how can we do this better next year" attitude.   Every day we looked on what happened each day and how we can make it better next year.  The problem with this perspective is that you don't focus on the amazing things that are happening.  You focus on what needs to be changed.

When I changed my perspective I saw:

- Children experiencing faith in a new and exciting way
- Volunteers putting their whole heart into make this week wonderful
- New families to the area getting connected to a church home
- All different generations working together (our volunteers ranges from teenagers to grandmothers)
- Over a thousand toiletry items donated to the Plus One Mission for our church.

The week of VBS is an amazing week. What will you see this week when you change your perspective and look for Amazing things happening all around you?!?