Monday, August 26, 2013

Be real!

 *This one has Mom in it a lot….if you are a Dad reading this feel free to exchange Mom for Dad.  

So, for many Mommies today is a day full of emotions.   It is the 1st day of ____________.
Here is the thing that I want to let all of us know…..whatever emotion that you are feeling is just fine!

·       To the Mom that has been crying all weekend and having a really hard time letting your kiddo walk into the school walls….I get it.

·       To the Mom that set her alarm early so there was NO WAY that the kids would be late on the 1st day.  Then had a skip to her step on the way to school…..I get it.

·       To the Mom that slept in her “grown” kids room last night because it was so empty now that they are away at college…..I am sure one day I will get it!

·       To the Mom that is fine with summer, fine with school, and totally does not get why people care so much…..I get it!

·       To the Mom that will cry in about 2 weeks in the carpool line as she says good bye for the day…..I get it.

·       To the Mom that followed the school bus and hid behind a bush to see your kid walk into school…..I get it and know many women who have done it. 

Let yourself be you.   Don’t feel bad if you are not crying when you drop off your kid at school AND don’t hide it if you are.   The crying Mom (let’s call her Mom C) and the dancing Mom (let’s call her Mom D) are BOTH good Moms!   They just respond differently to their children going back to school.   I am sure some days Mom C is a happy when Mom D is sad.   The fact remains that they both love their children. 

So, today… who you are.   Be real.   It is so much easier!

If you need some words today to pray for your kids….this is my favorite back to school prayer:

Dear Gracious and Loving God,
As my children leave for school,
I pray that you will keep them in your care.
Send your Spirit to open their minds
to all that is true and beautiful and good.
Help them to see the gifts and talents
you have given them and to use them well.
Help them to grow in knowledge and wisdom.
Help them to be kind to others
and lead others be kind to them.
Give their teachers patience and understanding
and help them teach what is just and true.
Send your angels to guide and guard my children
and to keep them from all harm.
Open their young hearts to your presence
and enfold them in your peace and protection.
Hold them in the palm of your hand
and bring them home safely at day's end.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Well, I woke up on Monday morning and could not move my left shoulder.

It is not how I planned to start my week.

Not only could I not move it but I was in crazy pain.

I also had to ask for help.  This is not an easy thing for me.

Mr had to help me get dressed, do my hair, and luckily I was able to do my own make up with one hand.  Who knows how I would look like if Dan did it!

Ross helping Rachel dress up

I am writing this just waiting for PT.....ouch!  I also don't look like this.....

After seeing the doctor and now and staring PT, it look like this can be fixed with some PT!  YIPPIE!

I am rambling....but the PERSPECTIVE:

Well, This week is crazy super busy.  I have zero time to stop life and be in pain.

So, I just kept going.....and had to keep asking for help......

I even had to ask the doctor to help me with my sweater.

This has made me slow down.   It has also reminded me that as much as Mr. and I have our highs and lows.....I am super glad that he is willing/able to slow down and help me get dressed!

So, I am still in pain, but it is better and I am sure in a few weeks it will just be a memory.

PERSPECTIVE:  To slow down and ask for help does more than make sure that I am dressed appropriate for work.   It humbles me.   It reminds me that slowing down is never a part of my calendar, but can be so important to me.   It brings a time to stop, a time to reflect, a time to just breath.

So, as the crazy lives of back to school begins take some time  to stop and enjoy the moments.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Staycation 2013

So, our stay-cation had been very nice.  It started with me thinking seriously about going to a hotel alone and having some "me" time.....but I counted to ten, drove around the block and came back home for the family.

We have not dipped our feet in the sand or ocean water. 

We have not look out on snow covered mountains. 

We have had some family time that involved worshiping as a family, painting the house, book reading, siting around a fire telling horrible  "scary stories", laser tagging, fishing, ATVing, ping ponging, etc.  

We are (like most families) always going.  We are usually spilt to make sure Slick gets here or Mr. D gets there.  Or someone has to work late, etc. 

It has been nice to just be a family of four.  Together.  

I miss the together time.  A new school year is about to start and when the bell rings it is almost like a starting gun/race to Christmas begins.  

This week has reminded me that we are a good team, far from perfect, but when we are together it is good.  

It might have been a little awkward at first but now that the week is over I will call it a success.

Perspective:  Don't forget how powerful it is to "fall in love" with your family again.  It helps you remember the good in all of the members and makes you stronger as a whole!  

This picture is a perfect symbol of my life.  And I love it (most of the time)!

Monday, August 12, 2013


So, I was watching the Today show last week and they did a segment on when you need to move on from your friends.  It was a really harsh segment.   They recommended making a list of people who you spend time with most often, then next to their names put a 0, X or +.  

            0= not good or bad influence
            X= bad for you (sucks your time, always negative, etc.)
            += Good for you (lifts your up, positive influence, etc.)

My question is:  Who would really want to do this?   Don’t friendship move on as the rhythm of life moves on?  

I have friends that I never talk to but if I saw in a coffee shop we could talk for hours.
I have friends that are no longer a big part of my life but I still love.
I have friends that a no longer a part of my life for good reason.
I have friend that never return phone calls or text, but I hope they are doing well.
I have new friends, work friend, school friends, life long friends, etc.  But they are all friends.
I have family that are dear friends, and friends that have become dear family.

Some friends are a crazy important part of my life and if a week goes by and we have not talked it feels weird. 

Some friends we talk about once a month and always start like we just saw each other yesterday. 

There are a few friends that I never see anymore and it is sad, but it is life.  I know that sounds cold, but it really is in the rhythm of life.  Sometimes friend’s change and either leave you behind or just move on.

 I am blessed to have true dear friends that lift me up, bring me down, laugh, cry, listen, watch my kids, my dogs, bring me food, etc., etc., etc.I hope that I am a friend that they are proud to have and that they feel love, prayers, laughter, and that I will be there when they need me!

This blog was also inspired by this post.(sent from wonderful friend!)

Perspective:   Life is better with people in it who you love!  Today call a friend that you miss, you will not regret the time.